What is Orthodontics?
Orthodontics is the correction of the harmony of the lower and upper jaws, the correct position of the tooth structure on the jaws and the realization of its treatment.
The treatment method that the patient receives can take place in many different ways. At the end of the treatment, the patient; It is aimed to give correct chewing, good speech and an aesthetic smile.

How Is Orthodontic Treated?
Orthodontic treatment, which begins after the examination of dentists, consists of several stages. The first stage of treatment, which begins with the examination; It is the detection of problems such as incompatibility, congestion, crowding or crooked teeth in the patient's teeth.
Then, it is checked whether there is caries in the mouth and if there is caries, it is treated. The most common treatment method is wearing braces. Braces can be worn in multiple ways. The reason why there is more than one option is that it is a treatment method that varies from patient to patient.
Who Is Orthodontics Suitable For?
Orthodontics, which is a frequently used treatment method today, is not only a treatment method used in children. Adults constitute 30 percent of patients receiving this treatment. With this treatment method, which is suitable for everyone, healthy teeth can be moved as desired at any age.
Before Orthodontics
Before the treatment, it is found in the teeth by a physician specializing in orthodontics.
irregularities are treated. The patient may have congenital dental and occlusion problems in the dental structure. However, defects in the general structure of the teeth may occur either by accident or subsequently. It is absolutely necessary to repair caries in the mouth, and to perform root canal treatments and care.
Physician and patient compatibility is extremely important for this treatment method. Treatment takes place through a process that requires meticulousness and attention. After the patient completes this process carefully, he/she will have a successful result.
Things to Know After Orthodontics
Orthodontic treatment, which is a treatment method known today as wire therapy, consists of two stages. The first of these stages is the active period when the wires are in the mouth, and the second stage is the protection period that starts after the wires are removed from the mouth. There are different issues to be considered in both stages.
During the period when the wires are active in the mouth, in order for the treatment to be completed within the planned time and to gain the desired image; During the treatment period, it is necessary to apply the rules told by the physician. It is necessary to ensure oral hygiene, not to consume foods that damage the braces (such as hard, acidic), and to use the rubbers as recommended by their doctors.
Toothbrush, single-bundle brush and interface brush are written on the prescription of the patient whose braces are inserted. The reason why it is prescribed so much is that while a natural cleaning is provided during the chewing process on the normally smooth tooth surface; The recessed and protruding structures of the brackets can create areas where food can be inserted and make it difficult to clean the teeth.
After cleaning their teeth with a brush, the patients should settle under the wires and around the brackets with single bundle and interface brushes to clean the food residues and prevent the formation of dental plaque. When this care is not performed, gingivitis problems may occur.
During treatment, the patient should also pay attention to the foods he eats and drinks. If consumed, various damage may occur to the braces.
If we are to list the foods that should not be consumed in this process:
Nuts with hard shells should not be consumed during the treatment. Hard foods such as cherries, plums and olives can be consumed after the seeds are removed. Foods such as popcorn should not be consumed until the end of the treatment.
Hard foods such as hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds should not be consumed; Although it is consumed, it should be consumed in pieces, not in its whole form.
Hard foods should be avoided; Bread should be consumed without toasting, meat should be cooked softly. During the treatment, foods that will be hard, such as bagels, should be softened and consumed.
Acidic foods damage tooth enamel. Therefore, consumption should be avoided.
Sticky foods such as jelly beans, chewing gum, Turkish delight should not be consumed.
All foods should be consumed softly, in small bites, using the right and left sides equally, without biting.
In the vast majority of wire treatments, the patient needs to use rubber. In cases where the patient does not apply the tire use as his doctor says, the treatment may be prolonged. Sometimes it can even cause the treatment to fail.
After the wires are removed, the treatment will not end immediately. Two different methods are applied to prevent the teeth of the patients from deteriorating. These are protective plates or internal protective wires. If patients do not use these methods, it is inevitable that the teeth will deteriorate.
What should be paid attention to during the treatment?
The issue of what should be considered during treatment is very important. Because braces treatments are long-term treatments and the patient should seriously continue oral care.
Some of the things you should pay special attention to during the treatment period are as follows:
The incidence of caries increases in patients receiving braces treatment, and if adequate oral hygiene is not provided, white spots may occur around the brackets. Brushing should continue until there is no debris around the brackets.
Acidic drinks (such as cola, soda) should be avoided. Such drinks increase the risk of cavities by damaging both the brackets and the teeth.
Foods such as very sticky and very sugary (Turkish delight, chewing gum, jelly beans) should not be consumed. Since such foods will get between the brackets and cannot be cleaned very well, they cause the teeth to decay more quickly.
During the treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the consumption of very hard foods. It is necessary to consume foods such as apples and cucumbers in small pieces instead of biting them.
Teeth should be brushed with brushes and interface brushes recommended by the dentist, and dental floss should be used when necessary.
Fixed Orthodontic Devices
Fixed orthodontic treatment devices usually consist of brackets that are attached to the teeth, as well as archwires that connect the brackets to each other and direct the tooth movement. Fixed devices applied by the specialist must remain constant for the targeted period in order for the treatment to be successful.
Wireless Orthodontic Treatments
This method, which is gradually becoming popular today, is performed with the help of transparent aligners called Invisalign. For this treatment, plaques are prepared according to the patient's teeth and mouth structure. The patient can insert and remove the transparent plates at any time.
This treatment method is an excellent option for those who do not want to wear braces but are uncomfortable with their teeth. After the treatment, a healthy and beautiful appearance is gained.
Orthodontic Treatment Methods
What are they?
Treatment methods are carried out with different methods in line with the patient's needs. There are many different forms of application of braces treatment. In the selection of the treatment method, the amount of the disorder in the mouth structure of the patient, expectations and concerns are important. Among the orthodontic treatment methods; There are metal bracket treatment method, porcelain bracket treatment method, lingual bracket treatment method and transparent dental plaque treatment method.
Why Should We Have Orthodontic Treatment?
The reason why this treatment method, which can be applied to all ages, is so preferred by patients is that they want to gain an aesthetic appearance and have a healthy tooth structure.
When to Go to the Orthodontist?
With the eruption of permanent teeth, orthodontic problems begin to emerge. The initiation of treatment should be decided as a result of the examination performed by specialist physicians. Depending on the tooth structure of the patients, the treatment initiation process may vary.
How Long Do Orthodontic Treatments Take?
The duration of the treatment varies according to the age of the patient, the disorders in the tooth structure and the method of treatment to be applied. The average course of treatment ranges from 6 months to 3 years. The completion of the orthodontic treatment in the planned time and obtaining a good result depends on the teamwork between the patient and the doctor.
How often is it necessary to go to check-ups during the treatment?
The appointment intervals of the patients during the treatment vary between 4-6 weeks. The duration of the treatment will not be shortened by shortening the intervals between the sessions or by over stretching the wires in your mouth. On the contrary, this may prolong the treatment by damaging the teeth.
Is there pain or pain during or after orthodontic treatment?
In the first days of wearing braces, mild irritation on the inner surfaces of the lips and cheeks and pain during chewing may occur on the teeth. These complaints disappear within a week. Until the end of the treatment, no pain will occur as long as the patient does not eat the prohibited foods.
What Should Be Done for the Care of Brackets and Mouth Cleaning?
Patients undergoing braces treatment should pay more attention to oral care. Food accumulation is more in the brackets attached to the teeth. If oral cleaning is disrupted and plaque is not removed from the teeth and brackets, gum diseases, decay and bad breath problems may occur. It is important that plaques are cleaned regularly and properly. Thus, when the brackets come out, the underlying tooth is healthy and strong.
Is There an Age Limit for Orthodontic Treatment?
Can Orthodontic Treatment Be Applied At Any Age?
There is no age limit for braces treatment. However, the treatment of skeletal disorders in the case of anterior or posterior jaws should be done before the age of 12.
How and Why Do Orthodontic Problems Occur?
Problems arise from skeletal or dental problems related to jaw position. Skeletal problems are inherited from parents through genes. Whether the chin is anterior or posterior also requires treatment on the skeletal surface. If jaw problems are not treated with orthodontic treatment methods at a young age, the patient will be treated with surgical interventions in the future.
Orthodontic problems are one of the most common oral and dental health problems seen in people in different parts of the world. Defects in the jaw, teeth and face area cause both serious functional problems and aesthetic problems. It is possible to see these problems for many reasons, from personal habits to not paying attention to oral health, to genetic factors.
Orthodontic problems;
genetic causes,
Habits that continue for a long time and damage the teeth, which will cause deformity in the teeth,
Loss of milk teeth in the early period and premature extraction of teeth that develop due to this,
It can be listed as the continuation of tongue thrusting swallowing.
Precautions should be taken from a young age in order to avoid such problems in later ages. Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent hereditary diseases despite the precautions taken. They prepare the oral skeletal system for the teeth that will replace the milk teeth, and early extractions can also cause problems. Therefore, it is wrong to see milk teeth as temporary teeth. Milk teeth should be brushed regularly and oral care should not be neglected. After the loss of these teeth, the treatment of positioning the placeholders prevents problems that may occur in the future.
The most well-known goals of treatment are to correct the patient's teeth and facial appearance. The fact that the teeth can be cleaned after straightening brings better oral health. In addition to the aesthetic beauty provided to the patient, orthodontic treatment, which helps the healthy nutrition and digestive system provided by well-arranged and well-chewed teeth; It gives the person a healthy body and self-confidence.