What is Oral Endodontics?
Endodontics is a branch of dentistry and is applied together with root canal treatment. It deals with diseases that occur in tissues such as veins and nerves in the inner part of the tooth, as well as in the tissues around the tooth. Endodontics; whitening teeth, treatment of traumatized teeth and the treatment of many dental diseases such as these.
Teeth are the first organ where the digestive system begins. For this reason, many foods come into direct contact with the teeth. The teeth in our body are in a structure that will prepare the ground for the formation of many diseases. The pulp that endodontics deals with is one of the tooth layers and is located in the root canal inside the tooth.
The pulp is a soft structure equipped with nerves and blood vessels. Endodontics, which deals with a wide area, applies the treatment of diseases that occur in this layer.

How is Endodontics Done?
If the existing dental infections have descended to the pulp layer of the tooth, endodontics prevents the extraction of this tooth. In the old practices, the infected tooth was extracted and it was not possible to save it. Endodontics performs the treatment of such damaged teeth.
During the endodontic procedure, the pulp and nerves are removed. The infection inside the teeth is cleaned. Then the teeth are filled and the patient can use their teeth as before.
After this application, only hot and cold sensation sensitivity occurs in the teeth. As a result of this treatment, tooth loss is prevented and the tooth is regained. The tooth, whose nerve tissue is damaged, is divided into pieces and bacteria settle in these spaces.
While multiplying bacteria cause great damage to the tooth, it can also spread to other teeth. In cases where endodontics does not interfere with tooth decay, the jawbone may be damaged along with tooth decay.
Endodontist is the name given to dentistry that deals with the dental nerves. First, a dental x-ray is taken and the diseased tooth is detected. Then, local anesthesia is applied to that area by the physician. In order to prevent the area from getting wet, the teeth are covered with a waterproof material and root canal treatment is applied in this way.
Very small holes are created to reach the area. The diseased area is intervened in a dry and wide area. Here, the doctor cleans all the infections that occur outside the teeth and teeth. The tooth is completely cleared of damaged parts.
It is necessary to fill the gaps in the cleared area. For this reason, the drilled tooth is thoroughly enlarged and the filling process is completed in the teeth. The enlargement process is called channel filing. After the filling process, the opened hole in the tooth is closed.
In Which Situations Is Endodontic Method Applied?
Endodontics, which examines the tooth in depth, considers the tooth and jaw as a whole. This treatment method is based on the prevention of tooth loss. In extensive dental infections, it is ensured that the tooth and tooth environment are completely free of infection. Endodontic application gives healthy results in inflammations reaching down to the jawbone. It also provides cleaning processes in tooth fragmentation.
With the decision of the physician, endodontic treatment is applied in diseases such as dental caries, cracked teeth, bridged and dentures, and deep dental caries. It is also known as root canal treatment among the people. It is a method used directly in dental caries.
It creates a definitive solution to infections in root canals. Diseased and painful tooth can be easily healed with this method without the need for tooth extraction.
The teeth of the patient are restored to their former state by filling the gaps formed in the area of the cleaned teeth. All teeth are cleaned of bacteria and problems such as yellowing, decay and darkening are eliminated.
Pain After Endodontics
Endodontics, which is applied for the purpose of saving the tooth, is a very common treatment method, no matter how sensitive it is. One of the most common dental problems today is tooth decay. During this application, local anesthesia is applied by the physician due to the spread of the caries.
Treatment begins with anesthetizing the tooth. For this reason, no pain is felt during the treatment phase. After root canal treatment, slight pain and ache may be felt after the effect of the drug wears off. In some cases, it is observed that pain or ache in the mouth lasts for several days.
Depending on the area where the infections in the teeth spread, numbness may be felt in the teeth for a few days. The severity of the pain or ache is determined by the size of the discomfort of the tooth. Usually, these pains are temporary and incisional.
What Does Endodontic Treatment Do?
Endodontics, which aims to restore the old functions of the teeth, is a treatment method that helps to save the teeth. With this treatment method, the natural structure of the teeth is preserved. This method, which aims to prevent tooth loss, is one of the permanent treatment methods. It is ensured that not only the tooth, but also the surrounding of the tooth is free of infections.
Bacterial infections that go down to the jawbone are completely cleared by the endodontic method. Damages in the dental pulp and surrounding tissues are removed with the most appropriate technique. It is aimed to regain the tooth by applying the endodontic method on teeth with problems such as fractures, caries and trauma.
In root canal treatment, the position of the tooth in the mouth is preserved. As it is known, dental caries is a widespread problem. Endodontics is also used in the treatment process of the mouth and face. It is aimed to prevent pulp diseases. This method of treatment prevents the spread of recurring dental infections.
Endodontic teeth whitening procedures are also applied here. After the root canal treatment, the gaps formed are eliminated. Filling procedures are performed on the teeth that need filling, and the tooth is regained its former functions. It is an effective dental treatment method in the treatment of teeth that have undergone dental trauma.
How Long Does Endodontics Take?
If the endodontic root canal treatment decision is made for the damaged and diseased tooth, this means that the tooth can be saved. Root canal treatment is a treatment method applied to get rid of infection of the teeth. This method, which is applied to protect the natural tooth structure, also removes the bacteria in the root canal from the teeth.
Infection around the tooth is caused by the proliferation of bacteria that settle in the root canal. If the pulp is damaged by a bacterial infection, it is decided to apply endodontics if this situation is determined by the physician.
Treatment time varies according to the number of root canals in the tooth. At the same time, the difficulty of the root canals and the jaw structure can also change this period. To say an average treatment time, 1 or 1.5 hours can be given for a 3-channel tooth.
What Should Be Considered After Endodontics?
After endodontic treatment, in which deep dental caries are removed, there are situations that should be considered as after every treatment. The treatment is completed in a single session. For this reason, with careful attention to some issues, rapid recovery occurs. Care should be taken not to overuse the treated tooth.
After the treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the consumption of hot or cold. After the completion of the treatment, no food or drink should be consumed for one or two hours. After the treatment, pain and ache may occur in the mouth for a few days.
For this reason, warm food should be consumed for a few days and the consumption of hard foods should be avoided. Oral care and hygiene should not be interrupted. If oral care is disrupted, infection and decay problems may occur again in the teeth. It should not be forgotten that the most effective way to prevent tooth decay is dental care.
How Long Can Teeth Be Used After Endodontics?
The aim is to save the tooth instead of pulling it out.The cost of endodontic method is the least dental application. It is an inevitable treatment method in cases where the pulp tissue, which is the tooth layer, is damaged and the tooth is fragmented.
In order to regain the old form of the cleaned and repaired teeth, the filling process is performed and the gaps are removed. Teeth with root canal treatment are not distinguished from other teeth in terms of appearance. For this reason, there is no concern for aesthetic appearance in endodontics.
If the root canal treated tooth is well cared for after the treatment, it can be used for life. We prevent the formation of bacteria and caries in the treated tooth with oral care.
Can Endodontics Fail?
The endodontic method, which purifies the mouth and teeth from bacteria, is applied to most people today. It is easily applied to everyone with the aim of saving the teeth and regaining their old structure. It is a treatment method that is mostly successful and receives good returns, except for adverse situations and patient-related reasons.
After treatment, tooth decay is inevitable in neglected teeth. With the consumption of hard foods, fractures may occur in the fillings. There may be a re-infection with bacterial growth in the root canals.
All of these are failures caused by the patient. On the other hand, improper application of root canal treatment creates a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria.
These bacteria then cause infection in the root canals. Although there is a small chance that the treatment will fail, root canal treatment should be applied without making any mistakes.
Does the Endodontic Tooth Inflamm Again?
Endodontics, one of the successful dental treatment methods, is an easily applied method. Although the success rate is quite high, the margin of error is quite low. However, due to the person's not paying attention to oral care and disruption of oral hygiene, problems may occur again in treated teeth.
Fractures are seen in fillings with hard blows in the mouth or consumption of hard-textured food. Thus, due to patient-related reasons, a re-inflammation of the teeth may occur. If there is a bacterial leakage into the root canals again, infection may occur here as well.
In addition, root canal treatment is a re-applicable method. Previous fillings can be renewed again. For this reason, there are issues that the patient should pay attention to after the treatment. By paying attention to these issues, it is not possible to experience any discomfort in the teeth and root canals.
Does Endodontic-Canal Treated Tooth Pain?
Endodontic method is applied in the treatment of problematic and painful teeth. In this method, the problematic tooth is completely purified and transformed into its old structure. After these procedures, filling processes are applied to prevent the cavities formed in the cleaned tooth from getting air. The teeth are filled without leaving any gaps in order to prevent any pain.
Root canal treatment is not a painful procedure. In other words, the patient does not feel any pain during the treatment phase. However, depending on the infection in the teeth, a numbness problem may occur in the mouth.
The spread of the infection that spreads to the roots is a determining cause of the severity of pain. After a few days of pain after the treatment, no pain is felt afterwards.
What should I do if my pain does not go away?
It is normal to feel some pain in the area after frequently applied endodontic treatment. It is also normal to feel a numbness in the chin as the mouth remains open for a long time during the treatment. After the treatment, if it is determined by the physician that more pain will be felt than usual, painkillers can be given to the patient.
After the treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to the chewing condition. No chewing should be done on the treated tooth. It is necessary to consume food by paying attention to the hot and cold balance.
In addition, consuming hard foods can damage the filling and increase the severity of the pain. The reason for physician-induced pain is that the root canal is not completely free of bacteria.