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  • Writer's pictureMertcan AYAZ

How can you stop the progression of dental caries?

Tooth decay is a common dental problem caused by the breakdown of tooth enamel. However, when detected early and treated properly, it is possible to stop its progression and prevent tooth loss.

To stop the progression of tooth decay, it is important to first follow your dentist's recommendations. Depending on the size and location of the decay, as well as other factors, your dentist may recommend suitable treatment options such as dental fillings, root canal treatment, or tooth extraction.

In addition, it is also important to regularly brush your teeth and use dental floss to prevent the formation of tooth decay. Limiting sugary and acidic foods and drinks that can trigger tooth decay is also necessary. Your dentist may also recommend preventative treatments such as fluoride application to strengthen and protect tooth enamel.

Regular visits to your dentist are also important to stop the progression of tooth decay. Your dentist can detect tooth decay early and start appropriate treatment to stop its progression. Additionally, your dentist can provide advice on what measures you need to take to prevent the formation of tooth decay.

In conclusion, tooth decay is a common dental problem, but it can be stopped from progressing and prevent tooth loss with early detection and proper treatment. Regularly brushing your teeth, using dental floss, following your dentist's recommendations, and visiting your dentist regularly are steps you can take to prevent the formation and stop the progression of tooth decay.

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