1. Dental examination: Take your child for regular dental checkups to assess their dental health. The dentist will detect cavities, gum problems, or other potential problems with the teeth.
2. Fluoride application: The dentist can strengthen tooth enamel and prevent caries formation by applying fluoride to your child's teeth. Fluorine makes teeth more resistant.
3. Fissure sealant application: Fissure sealant can be applied to the chewing surfaces of your child's molars. This prevents caries-causing bacteria from entering the crevices of the teeth to prevent cavities.
4. Treatment of tooth decay: If your child has tooth decay, the dentist can clean the decayed part and apply a filling. The filling restores the original shape of the tooth and stops the progression of caries.
5. Pulp treatment: If your child's tooth decay has progressed and the nerve tissue of the tooth has been affected, the dentist may perform a procedure known as pulp treatment. In this process, the decayed tissue is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned. Filling or root canal treatment is then applied.
6. Root canal treatment: If your child's tooth has become infected as a result of a serious decay or trauma, the dentist may recommend root canal treatment. In this process, the inside of the tooth is cleaned, the nerve is removed and the channels are filled.
7. Tooth extraction: In some cases, a decayed or damaged tooth may need to be extracted. The dentist will apply local anesthesia so that your child does not feel pain while performing the extraction.
8. Orthodontic treatment: If the teeth need to be properly aligned or the jaw structure needs to be corrected, your child may need orthodontic treatment. This treatment is usually performed using braces or clear aligners.